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Monday, April 30, 2012

Was ist Spargel?

I feel obligated to write about Spargel.  If you look it up in a German-English dictionary, Spargel is Asparagus.  Trust me it is not.  You know what Asparagus is:  a pretty tasty, often woody, kind of bitter vegetable.  In our grocery stores, it is green, maybe 1/4th to 1/2 inch in diameter.   Spargel looks like this:

Seriously.   It is the nectar of Eden.  Sweet.  Tender.  Flavorful.  Typically about 1 inch in diameter.  And this is the season for fresh Spargel.  It is everywhere, in crepes (as Judy had yesterday), soup (as I have had, several times), and as its own entree, typically with a light Hollandaise sauce that would put what you get in the typical American restaurant to shame.

If I could get this in the U.S., year-round (and could afford it), I would gladly become a vegetarian.

Out of respect for German (and Austrian -- they have it too) Spargel, I will never insult this divine vegetable by calling it "asparagus," less it be confused with its grossly inferior American cousin.

Second, I have written an "Ode to Spargel"  (not "Asparagus").  And I have written it in German, to the best of my ability.  Those of you who speak German can check my grammar.  But it's poetry, so grammar doesn't count, right?

The entire next post will be this Ode.  Spargel merits it.

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